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Communicable Diseases Information
No child or member of staff known to be suffering a communicable disease, or illness considered too ill to participate in normal activities, will be allowed to take up his/her place during that period.
If a child is exposed to a communicable disease, it is our policy to contact the parents in writing. Likewise, we appreciate the parents’/carers’ co-operation if their child comes down with or is exposed to an infectious disease, so that the appropriate steps can be taken to notify other Centre users if necessary.
Exclusion periods
The following conditions apply should your child have any of the following illnesses. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. It includes some common examples of illnesses but other illnesses with exclusion periods will also apply. We aim to support the development of the child in terms of their physical, social, creative and intellectual development through activities that are child centred and engaging. Our curriculum is play based and builds on the interests and understanding of all children. We use both indoor and outdoor facilities during all Nursery sessions.
Disease / Illness / Condition Signs and Symptoms Incubation period Exclusion period


Illness / Disease Condition Signs and Symptoms  Incubation / Exclusion Periods
Measles* High temperature. Heavy cold, with discharging nose and eyes. Later – harsh cough, conjunctivitis, white spots in cheek, followed by dusky red patchy rash, starting behind the ears and along ears/hairline – spreads to face, trunk and limbs. 4 days from onset of rash.
German Measles (Rubella)* Slight sore throat, slight fever, enlarged glands behind ears, pain in small joints. 4 days from onset of rash.
Chicken Pox Slight fever, starts with red spots with white raised centre on trunk and limbs – very irritating rash.

5 days from onset of rash (all spots must be dry and scabbed over).

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)* Heavy cold with fever, followed by spasmodic characteristic cough and vomiting

48hrs from commencing antibiotic treatment, or 21 days from onset of illness if no antibiotic given

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease  Spots with raised blister head on hands, feet and mouth We advise 48hrs 

Herpes Simplex

Blisters inside cheeks, ulcers on the tongue, cold sores around the mouth None
Impetigo  Yellow oozing sores with scars on top, itching. Usually around nose and mouth, although it can develop on body Direct contact Until affected areas are crusted and healed, or 48hrs after commencing antibiotic treatment  
Scabies  Itchy mite burrows, visible as red raised spots, especially between the fingers. Intense irritation, sleeplessness Can return after first treatment 
Scarlet Fever   Can return 24hrs after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment 
Diarrhoea / Vomiting   Vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration. In usual circumstances diarrhoea in a child constitutes 3 or more loose stools 48hrs from last episode of vomiting / diarrhoea 
Tonsillitis  Very sore throat, white patches on tonsils, swollen glands in neck, aches and pains in back and limbs None
Mumps Fever Headache and swelling of jaw in front of ears, difficulty opening mouth 5 days after onset of swelling
Infective Hepatitis (jaundice) Gradual onset of headache, loss of appetite, nausea, urine dark, faeces pale putty colour 7 days from onset of jaundice 
Conjunctivitis Itching and pain in eyes which become red and inflamed. White discharge or “sticky eye” None
Thread Worms  Presence of thread worms in stools (white, cotton-like pieces) sore anus, itchy bottom, sleeplessness, lack of appetite None
Thrush  White patches inside mouth, red rash around mouth or in genital area  Mouth – 24 hours after treatment. Genitals – no exclusion necessary although treatment and good hygiene required
Temperature Temperatures Normal range for child is 36.1°c -37.2°c. 38.3°c or higher is cause for concern.  Not applicable Until temperature returns to normal
Head Lice

White eggs attached to the hair strands and black flecks or moving bodies over the head. 

Must be clear of live lice